Results for 'D. L. C. Maclachlan'

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  1. Nepotistic patterns of violent psychopathy: evidence for adaptation?D. B. Krupp, L. A. Sewall, M. L. Lalumière, C. Sheriff & G. T. Harris - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3:1-8.
    Psychopaths routinely disregard social norms by engaging in selfish, antisocial, often violent behavior. Commonly characterized as mentally disordered, recent evidence suggests that psychopaths are executing a well-functioning, if unscrupulous strategy that historically increased reproductive success at the expense of others. Natural selection ought to have favored strategies that spared close kin from harm, however, because actions affecting the fitness of genetic relatives contribute to an individual’s inclusive fitness. Conversely, there is evidence that mental disorders can disrupt psychological mechanisms designed to (...)
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  2. Philosophy for children meets the art of living: a holistic approach to an education for life.L. D'Olimpio & C. Teschers - 2016 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 23 (2):114-124.
    This article explores the meeting of two approaches towards philosophy and education: the philosophy for children approach advocated by Lipman and others, and Schmid’s philosophical concept of Lebenskunst. Schmid explores the concept of the beautiful or good life by asking what is necessary for each individual to be able to develop their own art of living and which aspects of life are significant when shaping a good and beautiful life. One element of Schmid’s theory is the practical application of philosophy (...)
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  3. Leadership for Creating a Thinking School at Buranda State School.L. Golding, C., Gurr, D., and Hinton & Clinton Golding - 2012 - Journal of Australian Council of Educational Leaders 18 (1):91-106.
    ABSTRACT: This article explores the role of principal leadership in creating a thinking school. It contributes to the school leadership literature by exploring the intersection of two important areas of study in education  school leadership and education for thinking  which is a particularly apt area of study, because effective school leadership is crucial if students are to learn to be critical and creative thinkers, yet this connection has not be widely investigated. We describe how one principal, Hinton, turned (...)
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    Stepping Beyond the Newtonian Paradigm in Biology. Towards an Integrable Model of Life: Accelerating Discovery in the Biological Foundations of Science.Plamen L. Simeonov, Edwin Brezina, Ron Cottam, Andreé C. Ehresmann, Arran Gare, Ted Goranson, Jaime Gomez-­‐Ramirez, Brian D. Josephson, Bruno Marchal, Koichiro Matsuno, Robert S. Root-­Bernstein, Otto E. Rössler, Stanley N. Salthe, Marcin Schroeder, Bill Seaman & Pridi Siregar - 2012 - In Plamen L. Simeonov, Leslie S. Smith & Andrée C. Ehresmann, Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality. Springer. pp. 328-427.
    The INBIOSA project brings together a group of experts across many disciplines who believe that science requires a revolutionary transformative step in order to address many of the vexing challenges presented by the world. It is INBIOSA’s purpose to enable the focused collaboration of an interdisciplinary community of original thinkers. This paper sets out the case for support for this effort. The focus of the transformative research program proposal is biology-centric. We admit that biology to date has been more fact-oriented (...)
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  5. OBO Foundry in 2021: Operationalizing Open Data Principles to Evaluate Ontologies.Rebecca C. Jackson, Nicolas Matentzoglu, James A. Overton, Randi Vita, James P. Balhoff, Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Seth Carbon, Melanie Courtot, Alexander D. Diehl, Damion Dooley, William Duncan, Nomi L. Harris, Melissa A. Haendel, Suzanna E. Lewis, Darren A. Natale, David Osumi-Sutherland, Alan Ruttenberg, Lynn M. Schriml, Barry Smith, Christian J. Stoeckert, Nicole A. Vasilevsky, Ramona L. Walls, Jie Zheng, Christopher J. Mungall & Bjoern Peters - 2021 - BioaRxiv.
    Biological ontologies are used to organize, curate, and interpret the vast quantities of data arising from biological experiments. While this works well when using a single ontology, integrating multiple ontologies can be problematic, as they are developed independently, which can lead to incompatibilities. The Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies Foundry was created to address this by facilitating the development, harmonization, application, and sharing of ontologies, guided by a set of overarching principles. One challenge in reaching these goals was that the (...)
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  6. AVALIAÇÃO DA REUTILIZAÇÃO DE IMPLANTES DE PROGESTERONA SOBRE A TAXA DE PRENHEZ DE RECEPTORAS INOVULADAS COM EMBRIÕES IN VITRO.J. C. B. Sabino, M. V. De Souza & V. L. D. Q. De Castro - 2024 - Revista de Ciências da Faculdade Univértix 1 (1):1-12.
    Atualmente, biotecnologias são empregadas na forma de protocolos a fim de sincronizar o crescimento folicular e a ovulação, bem como permitir que vacas atuem como receptoras de embriões visando melhorar o potencial genético do rebanho. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito da utilização de implantes intravaginais de progesterona de 1º, 2º e 3º uso no protocolo de transferência de embriões em tempo fixo (TETF) sobre a taxa de prenhez em receptoras girolandas. O experimento ocorreu em uma fazenda localizada (...)
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  7. (8 other versions)Stepping Beyond the Newtonian Paradigm in Biology. Towards an Integrable Model of Life: Accelerating Discovery in the Biological Foundations of Science.Plamen L. Simeonov, Edwin Brezina, Ron Cottam, Andreé C. Ehresmann, Arran Gare, Ted Goranson, Jaime Gomez-­‐Ramirez, Brian D. Josephson, Bruno Marchal, Koichiro Matsuno, Robert S. Root-­Bernstein, Otto E. Rössler, Stanley N. Salthe, Marcin Schroeder, Bill Seaman & Pridi Siregar - 2012 - In Plamen L. Simeonov, Leslie S. Smith & Andrée C. Ehresmann, Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality. Springer. pp. 328-427.
    The INBIOSA project brings together a group of experts across many disciplines who believe that science requires a revolutionary transformative step in order to address many of the vexing challenges presented by the world. It is INBIOSA’s purpose to enable the focused collaboration of an interdisciplinary community of original thinkers. This paper sets out the case for support for this effort. The focus of the transformative research program proposal is biology-centric. We admit that biology to date has been more fact-oriented (...)
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  8. Does encouraging a belief in determinism increase cheating? Reconsidering the value of believing in free will.Thomas Nadelhoffer, Jason Shepard, Damien L. Crone, Jim A. C. Everett, Brian D. Earp & Neil Levy - 2020 - Cognition 203 (C):104342.
    A key source of support for the view that challenging people’s beliefs about free will may undermine moral behavior is two classic studies by Vohs and Schooler (2008). These authors reported that exposure to certain prompts suggesting that free will is an illusion increased cheating behavior. In the present paper, we report several attempts to replicate this influential and widely cited work. Over a series of five studies (sample sizes of N = 162, N = 283, N = 268, N (...)
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  9. PINK DOESN’T MEAN WEAK: UNVEILING THE TRIUMPHS AND CHALLENGES OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN BALAYAN, BATANGAS.Jessrell Elaine B. Cerrado, Jhian Carl Q. Arquileta, John Mark B. Barsaga, Mirko G. Dastas, Frank D. Mendoza, Sean Jacob B. Relacion, Princess Joy M. Banaag, Faith Cedwin Louis E. Belarmino, Stephanie M. Concepcion, Irish Kate C. De Castro, Jerseys Eanne C. Javier, Princess Erica O. Quizzagan, Lyra Gynera L. Villanobo & Jowenie A. Mangarin - 2024 - Get International Research Journal 2 (2):126-148.
    The world of entrepreneurship has historically been linked with taking risks and the potential for significant rewards. However, there persists a notable gender imbalance in the entrepreneurial landscape, wherein women entrepreneurs remain a minority. Women navigating the entrepreneurial path encounter distinct challenges, setting their experiences apart from their male counterparts. In Balayan, Batangas, despite strides towards gender equality, women entrepreneurs continue to face challenges in the entrepreneurial landscape. This qualitative study delves into the experiences of 10 successful female entrepreneurs who (...)
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  10. The Nietzsche-Spinoza Connections: The 'Kantian Bridge'.C. L. Blieka - 2021 - Dissertation, Cuny Queens College
    This essay pertains to Nietzsche's and Spinoza's philosophical/historical relationship, and the hitherto unnoticed role Kant plays as an intermediary for Spinoza's ideas and legacy. We advance two main assertions: 1) that Nietzsche is historically related to Spinoza via Kant's Antinomies of Pure Reason and their legacy, and 2) that both the striking similarities and tremendous differences between these two thinkers are best described with reference to the Antithesis positions of Kant's Antinomies. Our account rests primarily on the works of two (...)
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  11. EXTRACTION OF LEMON PEEL (Citrus limon L.) AS AN ORGANIC STAIN REMOVER FOR PARTICULATE AND OXIDIZABLE STAINS.Franz E. Antonio, Jomhel Cabatac, Syverson D. Cubillo & Gecelene C. Estorico - 2024 - Guild of Educators in Tesol International Research Journal 2 (4):48-57.
    Fabric plays a key role in modern society, used widely in fashion and home decor. Different fabrics, including synthetics like polyester, have unique properties that determine their applications. Stains, caused by foreign substances, are categorized into four types: enzymatic, oxidizable, greasy, and particulate. Stain removal often involves chemical-based products, which can be harmful. This study shows that Lemon Peel Extract (Citrus Limon L.) can remove oxidizable and particulate stains. With titrimetric and colorimetric analysis, it was found that 54.83% of particulate (...)
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  12. Fondements des technologies de l’information d’après la philosophie systémiste de la réalité de Bunge.Roman Lukyanenko, Veda C. Storey & Oscar Pastor - 2022 - Mεtascience: Discours Général Scientifique 2:173-217. Translated by François Maurice.
    L’ontologie générale constitue un fondement théorique important pour l’analyse, la conception et le développement dans les technologies de l’information. L’ontologie est une branche de la philosophie qui étudie ce qui existe dans la réalité. Une ontologie largement utilisée dans les systèmes d’information, en particulier pour la modélisation conceptuelle, est l’ontologie BWW (Bunge-Wand-Weber), fondée sur les idées du philosophe et physicien Mario Bunge, telles que synthétisées par Wand et Weber. Cette ontologie a été élaborée à partir d’une ancienne version de la (...)
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  13. Byl Lao-c' taoistou? Kirklandova vyzva.Daniel D. Novotný - 2010 - Fragmenta Ioannea (3):231–242.
    Názory na historickou identitu Laoziho a na vznik a výklad Dao De Jingu se v průběhu dvacátého století silně rozrůznily. V tomto článku nejprve stručně představuji tradiční a modifikovaně-tradiční náhled na Laoziho a Dao De Jing. Poté se obšírněji věnuji genesi taoismu podle Russella Kirklanda. Tento americký badatel ve své knize Taoism: The Enduring Tradition (2004) syntetickým způsobem předkládá výsledky mnoha specializovaných studií, vedených historicko-kritickou metodou známou např. z biblické hermeneutiky. Kirkland hájí mj. následující čtyři teze: (1) Laozi je fiktivní (...)
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  14. Primitive Foundations of Economic Reasoning.D. Lu - manuscript
    This paper rigorously examines the primitive foundations of economic reasoning through an original framework based on symbolic logic. Extending previous work, it formalizes economic conceptions (\(\mathbb{C}\)), symbols (\(s_i\)), and introduces a structured language (\(\mathcal{L_{\mathbb{C}}}\)) to define their formation and interpretation. Organized as a continuous chain of declarations and illustrations, the paper offers a concise, systematic approach to understanding the philosophy of economic reasoning through formal representations.
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  15. L’art et la nature. [REVIEW]Ely Mermans & Antoine C. Dussault - 2016 - la Vie des Idées 1:1-6.
    À propos de : Catherine et Raphaël Larrère, Penser et agir avec la nature : Une enquête philosophique, Paris, La Découverte, 2015. -/- L’idée d’une nature sauvage à protéger des avancées techniques ne prend en compte ni la complexité des artefacts, ni ce qu’implique aujourd’hui la protection de la nature. En mettant l’accent sur la notion de biodiversité, C. et R. Larrère cherchent à donner un nouveau fondement à l’écologie politique.
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  16. Le Cercle Herméneutique. De Quel Type de Problème S'Agit-il?C. Mantzavinos - 2013 - L' Année Sociologique 63:509-526.
    Le cercle herméneutique a été utilisé par tous ceux qui ont défendu la thèse de l’autonomie méthodologique des sciences humaines par rapport aux sciences naturelles. Il est généralement perçu comme un problème ontologique ou logique par les Herméneutistes. Le but de cet article est de montrer que le cercle herméneutique n’est ni l’un ni l’autre. Tout indique, plutôt, qu’il fait référence à un phénomène empirique, qui peut être étudié dans le cadre de la psycholinguistique et d’autres disciplines empiriques. Il ne (...)
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  17. Apprentissage, Institutions, et Performance Économique.C. Mantzavinos, Douglass North & Syed Shariq - 2009 - L'Année Sociologique 59 (2):469-492.
    Dans cet article, nous offrons un large aperçu des interactions entre cognition, systèmes de croyances et institutions, et comment elles affectent la performance économique. Nous estimons qu'une meilleure compréhension de l’émergence des institutions, de leurs propriétés de fonctionnement et de leurs effets sur les résultats politiques et économiques doit commencer par une analyse des processus cognitifs. Nous explorons la nature de l'apprentissage individuel et collectif, en soulignant que la question n'est pas de savoir si les agents ont une rationalité parfaite (...)
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    Système, modélisation conceptuelle et complexité.Roman Lukyanenko, Veda C. Storey & Oscar Pastor - 2025 - Mεtascience: Discours Général Scientifique 3:127-208. Translated by François Maurice.
    L’informatisation de la société se poursuit à un rythme effréné. Cependant, pour développer les technologies modernes de l’information, la complexité croissante du monde réel doit être modélisée, ce qui nécessite de revoir la façon de réaliser une modélisation conceptuelle. Cette étude propose que la notion souvent négli-gée de « système » doive être un construit distinct et fondamental pour la modéli-sation conceptuelle, et argumente en faveur de son intégration, de même que l’intégration de concepts connexes, tels que l’émergence, dans les (...)
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  19. Truth and meaning.Robert C. Cummins - 2002 - In Joseph Keim-Campbell, Michael O'Rourke & David Shier, Meaning and Truth: Investigations in Philosophical Semantics. Seven Bridges Press. pp. 175-197.
    D O N A L D D AV I D S O N’S “ Meaning and Truth,” re vo l u t i o n i zed our conception of how truth and meaning are related (Davidson    ). In that famous art i c l e , Davidson put forw a rd the bold conjecture that meanings are satisfaction conditions, and that a Tarskian theory of truth for a language is a theory of meaning for that language. (...)
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  20. Réguler les robots-tueurs, plutôt que les interdire.Vincent C. Müller & Thomas W. Simpson - 2015 - Multitudes 58 (1):77.
    This is the short version, in French translation by Anne Querrien, of the originally jointly authored paper: Müller, Vincent C., ‘Autonomous killer robots are probably good news’, in Ezio Di Nucci and Filippo Santoni de Sio, Drones and responsibility: Legal, philosophical and socio-technical perspectives on the use of remotely controlled weapons. - - - L’article qui suit présente un nouveau système d’armes fondé sur des robots qui risque d’être prochainement utilisé. À la différence des drones qui sont manoeuvrés à distance (...)
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  21. L’indignation, le mépris et le pardon dans l’émergence du cadre légal d’Occupy Geneva.Frédéric Minner - 2018 - Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales 56 (2):133-159.
    Cet article s’intéresse au problème de la maintenance, c’est-à-dire au moment où les membres d’un collectif social tentent d’assurer dans le temps l’existence de leur collectif en instituant des règles pour réguler leurs comportements. Ce problème se pose avec acuité lorsque certains membres ne respectent pas ces règles communes. Pour maintenir la coopération sociale, les membres peuvent décider d’instituer des règles secondaires visant à sanctionner les transgressions des règles primaires déjà établies. La maintenance d’un collectif peut ainsi reposer sur l’émergence (...)
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  22. Locke on human understanding: selected essays.I. C. Tipton (ed.) - 1977 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Wall, G. Locke's attack on innate knowledge.--Harris, J. Leibniz and Locke on innate ideas.--Greenlee, D. Locke's idea of idea.--Aspelin, G. Idea and perception in Locke's essay.--Greenlee, D. Idea and object in the essay.--Mathews, H. E. Locke, Malebranche and the representative theory.--Alexander, P. Boyle and Locke on primary and secondary qualities.--Ayers, M. R. The ideas of power and substance in Locke's philosophy.--Allison, H. E. Locke's theory of personal identity.--Kretzmann, N. The main thesis of Locke's semantic theory.--Woozley, A. D. Some remarks on (...)
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  23. Intellect et Imagination dans la Philosophie Médiévale. Actes du XIe Congrès International de Philosophie Médiévale de la S.I.E.P.M., Porto du 26 au 31 Août 2002.M. C. Pacheco & J. Meirinhos (eds.) - 2004 - Brepols Publishers.
    Le XI.ème Congrès International de Philosophie Médiévale de la Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (S.I.E.P.M..) s’est déroulé à Porto (Portugal), du 26 au 30 août 2002, sous le thème général: Intellect et Imagination dans la Philosophie Médiévale. A partir des héritages platonicien, aristotélicien, stoïcien, ou néo-platonicien (dans leurs variantes grecques, latines, arabes, juives), la conceptualisation et la problématisation de l’imagination et de l’intellect, ou même des facultés de l’âme en général, apparaissaient comme une ouverture possible pour aborder (...)
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  24. Consciousness, the High Probability of Afterlife, and the Evolution of Intelligence in the Universe/s (16th edition).K. L. Senarath Dayathilake - 2023 - Cambridge.Org.
    This article investigates the profound mysteries of consciousness and the afterlife, which have captivated humanity for centuries. In our study, we conducted three hypothetical experiments, assuming all participants had healthy brains and minds in similar environments. We based our methodology on the premise that cell death can preserve anatomical and neural integrity (Vrselja et al., 2019). Between T1 and T2, six brains were rendered non-functional (brain death), eliminating consciousness. Participants were divided into three groups: -/- 1. Identical Triplets (Group I): (...)
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  25. Adição de minerais na ração e sua influência nos índices reprodutivos em ruminantes.R. E. S. C. GALVÃO - 2024 - Dissertation, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Ifpe Campus Belo Jardim
    Os minerais possuem uma influência direta em diversos processos fisiológicos no organismo animal e, mesmo com tamanha importância, por vezes são negligenciados pelos produtores para seu fornecimento para os animais. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho reprodutivo de rebanhos de bovinos, caprinos e ovinos em 8 propriedades rurais nas cidades de Sanharó, Pesqueira, Arcoverde, Belo Jardim e São Bento do Una através da adição de suplemento mineral e mistura múltipla aos animais de forma a atender suas necessidades básicas (...)
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  26. Factors Affecting Reasonable Use of Force and Observance of Miranda Warning during Arrest by PNP Personnel.Mark Anthony L. Refugio - 2024 - Guild of Educators in Tesol International Research Journal 2 (3):240-254.
    The authority to use force, including lethal force is a defining feature of the police profession. The emergence and incorporation of the Miranda doctrine in our criminal law, and its attached misconceptions made it inevitable to determine the understandings of the Philippine law enforcers. There is a limited number of research studies conducted that are connected with the PNP. This implies demand studies centralizing on the use of reasonable force and observance of Miranda Warnings in effecting the arrest of suspected (...)
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  27. Les "histoires de crimes" de William Faulkner.Kevin D. Ladd - 2010 - In D. Ladd Kevin, Les histoires de crime de William Faulkner (EUD). pp. 247-255.
    Faulkner a bâti une partie de sa renommée sur la violence parfois controversée de ses récits. Mais l’acte criminel retient moins son attention que son contexte et sa signification morale. L’objet premier de la littérature, selon Faulkner, ce sont les conflits de l’homme, ou du cœur humain, avec eux-mêmes. Le propos de cet article est de mettre en évidence la façon dont Faulkner subvertit le modèle du roman noir, et substitue à l’enjeu traditionnel des histoires policières, celui des faits et (...)
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  28. Glоbal cоnsciоusnеss and thе rоlе оf philоsоphy in building glоbal cоnsciоusnеss.Le Kien - 2020 - WP.
    Glоbalizatiоn is an inеvitablе and оbjеctivе trеnd; it has bоth pоsitivе and nеgativе sidеs and pоsеs fоr all cоuntriеs and pеоplеs bоth оppоrtunitiеs and challеngеs. Rеcоgnizing glоbal issuеs rеquirеs glоbal cоnsciоusnеss. Glоbal cоnsciоusnеss, accоrding tо thе authоr, has thе fоllоwing charactеristics: (i) Rеflеcting thе suprеmacy оf univеrsal valuеs; (ii) It must bе fundamеntally adjustеd in thе sеlf-cоnsciоusnеss оf еach natiоn as wеll as оf еach individual; (iii) Highly sciеntific. Tо build glоbal cоnsciоusnеss, philоsоphy plays a particularly impоrtant rоlе. This rоlе (...)
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  29. L'art d'être libres au temps des automates.Luis de Miranda - 2010 - Paris: Milo.
    Vous éprouvez souvent l'embarras du choix? Que sera la liberté au XXIe siècle? Depuis l'invention des machines et des computeurs, notre quotidien semble avoir gagné du temps. Mais en contrepartie, il paraît de plus en plus codé, soumis aux automatismes. Depuis Leibniz jusqu'à la puce biométrique, l'auteur raconte une histoire alternative de l'ère informatique. Il démontre que le " numérisme ", le principe ordinateur, est une vertu humaine ancestrale et nécessaire. Mais insuffisante. Après le sauve-qui-peut du postmodernisme, un nouveau paradigme (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Le comité d'éthique, la vie privée et l'intimité. Interpréter les droits des usagers.Michèle Clément & Éric Gagnon - 2013 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 8 (1):70-90.
    Le respect de la vie privée et de l’intimité est un droit reconnu aux usagers des services de santé et des services sociaux par différents codes d’éthique, par la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne du Québec et par la Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux. Pour autant, la signification que prend ce droit demeure incertaine. Il n’y a pas une signification, mais bien des significations. S’appuyant sur un important travail d’observation dans deux comités (...)
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  31. «L’origine chrétienne de la science moderne» : sources d’inspiration, réception et évaluation de ce texte d’Alexandre Kojève à l’occasion de sa récente réédition.Jean-François Stoffel - 2021 - Revue des Questions Scientifiques 192 (n°3-4):347-384..
    Récemment savamment rééditée, la contribution qu’Alexandre Kojève offrit à Alexandre Koyré pour son septantième anniversaire s’attache à soutenir, de manière « beaucoup moins canularesque qu’elle ne paraît l’être à première vue », une affirmation que les «procédures historiennes» ne permettraient pas d’énoncer : si les Grecs n’ont pas développé la physique mathématique alors que les savants du XVIe siècle, au premier rang desquels Nicolas Copernic, ont réussi à la faire émerger, c’est parce que les premiers étaient païens alors que les (...)
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    L’exigence de l’explication en biologie à l’égard d’une philosophie de la morphogenèse.Gagnon Philippe - forthcoming - Le Coudray-Macouard: Les Acteurs du Savoir.
    À partir de la question de savoir comment la science peut expliquer, ce texte pose la question à l’égard des formes d’enquêtes qui semblent inaptes à prédire. La question du modèle d’explication qui admettrait des données statistiques est ensuite confrontée aux idéaux rigoureusement prédictivistes et peut-être subrepticement déterministes. En discutant du modèle confirmationniste, on tente ici de tirer les conséquences de l’absence de procédure qui puisse venir disconfirmer en contexte probabiliste. C’est l’occasion de s’interroger sur le mode de résolution des (...)
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  33. Jean Wahl d'Angleterre et d'Amérique : contribution à l'étude du contexte et de la signification des Philosophies pluralistes.Mathias Girel - 2014 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 81 (1):103.
    Je montre dans ce texte que la thèse de Jean Wahl sur les Pluralistes d'Angleterre et d'Amérique n'est pas tant un tableau des pensées pluralistes qu'une problématisation du pluralisme. La révélation que Wahl va trouver à rebours de certains textes de William James, c'est celle d'un restant moniste, attentif au fond non relationnel de l'expérience, ce qui va le conduire à explorer, beaucoup plus hardiment que nombre de ses contempo- rains, les proximités entre James et Bradley. Cette voix moniste, que (...)
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  34. Le discours identitaire d'enseignants du secondaire : entre la crise et la nécessité de donner du sens à l'expérience.Stéphane Martineau & Annie Presseau - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (3):55-68.
    This article presents the results of research conducted with secondary school teachers in Quebec, specifically in the Mauricie region. The authors propose a reflection on the construction of professional identity in a context of institutional crisis. They argue that in this context, the teacher can not rely on stable and social frameworks to build up a strong professional identity and that work experience that becomes the primordial material from which that identity is developed. Therefore, the teacher has to build its (...)
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  35. Applications and developments of BMF analytics/MT over time.A. I. S. D. L. Team - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    As of January 20, 2024, we recorded 168 documents (including articles, books, proceedings, and lectures) that have used Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics/Mindsponge Theory (MT) substantively. This number has increased by 31.25% since the previous record on July 9, 2023. The documents have been authored or co-authored by 330 researchers from 215 institutions in 38 countries, of which 67% come from developing/emerging countries. Among 330 users, 32 are registered members of the SM3D Portal.
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  36. Counterfactual Similarity, Nomic Indiscernibility, and the Paradox of Quidditism.Andrew D. Bassford & C. Daniel Dolson - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (1):230-261.
    Aristotle is essentially human; that is, for all possible worlds metaphysically consistent with our own, if Aristotle exists, then he is human. This is a claim about the essential property of an object. The claim that objects have essential properties has been hotly disputed, but for present purposes, we can bracket that issue. In this essay, we are interested, rather, in the question of whether properties themselves have essential properties (or features) for their existence. We call those who suppose they (...)
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    LES DIFFICULTES D'APPRENTISSAGE DU FRANCAIS AUX ECOLES SECONDAIRES A ONITSHA NORTH DE L'ETAT D'ANAMBRA.Vanessa Georgina Udeh & Damian Kenechukwu Akabogu - 2021 - Global Link International Journal of Research (Multi Disciplinary) 1 (2):101-106.
    Ce travail a etudie les difflcultes d'apprentissage du franqais par les etudiants aux ecoles secondaires a Onitsha North dans I 'etat d'A nambra. C'est constate qu 'unprofesseur doit agir en fonctionnaire de I'etat et de faqon ethique et responsable, maitriser la langue franqaise pour enseigner et communiquer et maitriser les technologies de I'information et de la communication. (Didier 2016). Ensuite, I'environnementlinguistiquejoue unrole important dans I'apprentissage d'une langue, soit langue etrangere, soit langue maternelle. Un apprenant qui apprend une langue dans un (...)
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  38. Serendipity, AI and climate science: The role of non-linear thinking.A. I. S. D. L. Team - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    This first piece of 2024 introduces some ideas concerning the role of non-linear thinking in today's fight against the climate crisis. More exactly, it is about the potential power of serendipity, artificial intelligence and the information deluge (that is causing headaches, too) when it comes to humankind's efforts to find solutions for the sake of surviving the paramount crisis.
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  39. Lecture du Commentaire de l'âme d'Aristote.Guy-François Delaporte - 1999 - Paris: Harmattan.
    Le Traité de l’âme d’Aristote joue, dans l’histoire de la philosophie, un rôle crucial. Assumant toute la conception de la vie et de l’homme, depuis l’aube de la réflexion jusqu’au déclin de la Grèce, il est à la source des plus riches développements de l’anthropologie musulmane et chrétienne du Moyen-Age. Hegel, Marx ou Darwin le connaissent bien et s’y réfèrent aisément. Les scientifiques de notre fin de siècle le redécouvrent avec intérêt. Mais aujourd’hui, de très nombreuses études spécialisées, des monographies (...)
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  40. Niveaux et valeurs de l'interprétation d'un message.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2003 - Archive Ouverte En Sciences de l'Information Et de la Communication.
    Dans une définition étroite, la communication renferme les transactions symboliques, c'est-à-dire les interactions par lesquelles plusieurs personnes assignent conjointement significations aux ensembles de signes. Grosso modo, les protagonistes de la communication transmettent ou réceptionnent messages et ainsi ils jouent alternativement le rôle du destinateur respectivement le rôle du destinataire. Mais la transmission et la réception sont actions très complexes parce qu'elles se réalisent par rapport à toutes paramètres nécessaires de la communication – le destinateur, le destinataire, le message, le code, (...)
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  41. Why God is not a semantic realist.D. L. Anderson - 2002 - In William P. Alston, Realism & antirealism. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 131--48.
    Traditional theists are, with few exceptions, global semantic realists about the interpretation of external world statement. Realism of this kind is treated by many as a shibboleth of traditional Christianity, a sine qua non of theological orthodoxy. Yet, this love affair between theists and semantic realism is a poor match. I suggest that everyone (theist or no) has compelling evidence drawn from everyday linguistic practice to reject a realist interpretation of most external world statements. But theists have further reason to (...)
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  42. Readworthy open-access journals for environmental studies.Team A. I. S. D. L. - 2023 - Sm3D Portal.
    Accomplishing the sustainable development goal is challenging and requires the joint effort of the whole community, especially when humans are approaching the climate tipping point [1]. To contribute to promoting sustainable development, the AISDL Team has aggregated reliable and open-access scientific journals about environmental issues here as sources of knowledge for any interested researchers.
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  43. JIF của Nature và Nature Human Behaviour theo JCR 2023.A. I. S. D. L. Adm - 2023 - Adm-Jif23.
    Do thay đổi chính sách Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2023 có vài cải tiến. Các ấn phẩm trong Core Collections đều được công bố Journal Impact Factor (JIF).
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    Ý kiến đánh giá thời “digital” không chỉ mang giá trị cổ vũ tinh thần đơn thuần.A. I. S. D. L. Team - manuscript
    Trong thế giới cạnh tranh thời đại số (“digital”), phương tiện kỹ thuật cung cấp nhiều thuận lợi cho việc sản xuất nội dung. Tuy thế, sự phong phú nội dung và đầu tư cho xúc tiến, tiếp thị gia tăng cũng lại khiến cho quá trình cạnh tranh tìm một chỗ đứng cho sản phẩm trở nên hết sức gian nan.Sản phẩm gần đây của nhóm nghiên cứu, chuyên khảo [1] của AISDL, ra đời sau những bài học gian (...)
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  45. BMF CP85: Childhood residential proximity to the coast, nature connectedness, and peace of mind.A. I. S. D. L. Team - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    The current study is conducted to examine the following research questions: 1) How is the residential proximity to the coast during childhood, and nature connectedness, associated with peace of mind when visiting the coast? 2) Does the residential proximity to the coast during childhood moderate the relationship between nature connectedness and peace of mind when visiting the coast? 3) How is the peace of mind associated with improved thinking when visiting the coast?
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  46. BMF CP98: Parents as motivations for children’s waste reusing and recycling behaviors.A. I. S. D. L. Team - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    The current study is conducted to examine the following research questions: 1) How are the father’s interactions with children regarding waste recycling associated with the children’s recycling behaviors? 2) How are the mother’s interactions with children regarding waste recycling associated with the children’s recycling behaviors?
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  47. BMF CP92: Who had no wildlife smoke notifications and knowledge of the air quality rating system?A. I. S. D. L. Team - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    The current study is conducted to examine the following research question: 1) Who were the people who had no access to wildfire smoke notifications during the smoke event in the summer of 2018 in the Boise Metropolitan Area in Idaho? 2) Who were the people who were not familiar with the air quality rating system?
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    BMF CP101: The influence of engaging children with nature interactions to pro-environmental behaviors under different conditions.A. I. S. D. L. Team - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    The current study is conducted to examine the following research questions: 1) How is engaging children with nature interactions associated with their pro-environmental behaviors? 2) Is the association between engaging children with nature interactions and their pro-environmental behaviors conditional on the children’s sex? 3) Is the association between engaging children with nature interactions and their pro-environmental behaviors conditional on the children’s grades? 4) Is the association between engaging children with nature interactions and their pro-environmental behaviors conditional on the children’s family (...)
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    BMF CP84: Gender, age, income, immersiveness, and space tourism intention.A. I. S. D. L. Team - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    The current study is conducted to examine the following research questions: 1) How are gender, age, and income associated with trying space tourism? 2) How are gender, age, and income associated with the intention to try space tourism when conditional on the level of immersiveness in information on social media?
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  50. Tiny creation, but not a small feat.A. I. S. D. L. Team - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    About six weeks ago, our post referred to the long-winding path to a new theoretical innovation as the pursuit of “useless knowledge” in Flexner’s terms. That little creation is the freshly minted informational entropy-based definition of value, presented in a very short paper, initially regarded by its authors as a research note. (And it still is.) Well, only two and a half months since its birth, this new concept of value has had enough time to power up several of our (...)
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